MultiRate Tension (MRT) Testing
Generating material data for strain rates higher than quasi-static is a very complex topic; yet it is critical for capturing material response (rate sensitivity) in engineering applications, manufacturing processes, and crash events. That’s why we’ve invested significantly to develop the expertise needed to offer this important capability
- Controlled tension testing over the full range of strain rates (from ~0.001 to ~1000 s-1) relevant to most structural, manufacturing, impact & crash applications.
- Popular testing packages (0.005, 0.05, 0.5, 5, 50 & 500 s-1)
- Metals, Polymers, Composites, Fabrics and Thin Laminates
- Thicknesses from ~20microns to ~4mm
- Testing is not limited to uniaxial tension, but extends to shear, plane-strain and even balanced biaxial tension
High Speed Test Setup in mi-Lab :

High Speed TestingSetup_HTM8020_PhotronCamera
Mini Slack Adapter Assembly for High Speed Testing of Foils
Mini Slack Adapter Assembly for High Speed Testing of Polymers
Points tracked during the test for a press using 3D-DIC
High Speed Testing Setup_PhotronCamera_1B-WF
High-Speed-Testing-Setup Component-Testing Onsite 1
High-Speed-Testing-Setup Component-Testing Onsite 2
High-Speed-Testing-Setup Component-Testing Onsite PhotronCamera 2
High-Speed-Testing-Setup PhotronCamera 3